Rafting Neretva Konjic


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Feel full of adrenaline on the Neretva river

full adrenaline
Rafting boats can accommodate 8 to 10 people at a time so keep that in mind when planning your tour. The whole Neretva rafting adventure is organized by professional licensed rafting guides, known as skippers. All skippers have a (IRF) www.internationalrafting.com rafting licence and certificates that guarantee your security. Our skippers have years of experience with over 50 trips a season, no one knows the Neretva River than our skippers. Every person on the rafting has insurance!

Rafting trip:
> Breakfast in the Restaurant at 9 or 10 am. and preparing clothing! 
Rafting trips can start at either 10, 11, or 12 o-clock, it is your choice!
> We transport you across Boracko lake, to the point where your rafting trip starts!
> We provided you with the appropriate equipment: suits,helmets,waterproof jackets!
> Rafting down the Neretva river takes about 6 hours,with an experienced skipper!
> You’ll feel unforgettable adrenaline on 6 rapids!
> You'll pass under a waterfall and drink water directly from a natural spring!
> We can organise a delicious barbecue-grill in the canyon!
> Jump from cliffs to deep water, swim in rapids and relaxing!
> Hiking in Canyon Neretva or Rakytnica!
> The trip is fun and safe for all ages!
> Rafting trip ends in Konjic town!
> Coming back to the Restaurant for the lunch!

You can take camera,sunglasses,swimming costume,bikini,shorts,sandals!

If you are a group of 7 or more we can transport you from Sarajevo or Mostar to rafting and back! At an addition fee.
  • Rafting price is 35 Euro per person!
  • The price includes Breakfast,Rafting, Lunch and accommodation!
tel,viber,wtsApp +38761529212
local network: 061 52 92 12


Rafting na rijeci Neretvi

rafting na rijeci neretvi

Rafting je avanturistički sport u Bosni. Rafting na rijekama je izazovno iskustvo za goste,organizatore i skipere ali posebno za one koji su ga izabrali. Svi skiperi posjeduju IRF licence http://www.internationalrafting.com/ i rafting sertifikate koji garantuju bezbjednost. Rafting čamac može da primi od 8 do 10 ljudi. Neretva je jedna od najciscih i naj popularnih rijeka za rafting u Evropi,okruzena zelenilom,dubokim kanjonom netaknute prirode. Mi kao tim nudimo dobar rafting na rijeci Neretvi,uz maksimalnu sigurnost za sve uzraste. Svaka osoba na raftingu ima osiguranje!

 Rafting trip:
   > Dolazak u Restoran doručak u 9 ili10 ili 11h i priprema-oblacenje opreme!
   > Rafting polazak u 10,11 ili 12h, po vasem izboru!
   > Nasim prevozom putujete preko Boračkog jezera,do startnog mjesta!
   > Imamo odgovarajuću opremu potrebnu: odijela, kacige,prsluke!
   > Rafting spust traje oko 6 sati, sa iskusnim skiperom (instruktor)!
   > Osjetiti ce te nezaboravan adrenalina na 6 brzaka!
   > Proci ispod vodopada, piti vodu direktno iz prirodnog izvora!
   > Skok sa litice u duboku vodu, plivati u brzacima!
   > Hiking u Kanjonu Rakitnice ili Neretve!
   > Rafting spust je pun zabave i siguran za sve uzraste!
   > Rafting putovanje završava u Konjicu!
   > Povratak u Restoran,prirpeme za rucak!

Možete ponjeti: fotto-kameru,sunčane naočare,kostim,bikiny,sorc,sandale!
  • Rafting cijena je 70 KM po osobi!
  • Cijena ukljucuje: dorucak,transport,rafting i rucak!
Tel,Viber,WtsApp +38761529212
Lokalna mreza 061 52 92 12

Dobro dosli!

التجديف في نهر نيريتفا


سواء كنت مغامرا أم لا
 التجديف في نهر نيريتفا في البوسنة مثالي جدا و تجربة صعبة النسيان في الطبيعة و يجب على الجميع تجربتها
 القارب يسع بين ثمانية الى عشرة اشخاص
المغامرة منظمة من قبل اشخاص يعرفون ب "سكيبرز" مؤهلين و مرخصين من قبل الحكومة يرافقونكم طوال الرحلة
ربان القارب مؤهل لحفظ سلامتكم
الجميع لديه سنوات طويلة من الخبرة و اكثر من 50 رحلة

لا احد يعرف نهر نيريتفا اكثر من قادة مراكبنا

رحلة التجديف :

1) الافطار على ال 9 صباحا و تجهيز الملابس
2) رحلة التجديف يمكن ان تبدأ على الساعة ال 10 , 11 , 12
3) ننقلكم من بحيرة براتسكو الى نقطة انطلاق الرحلة
4) نزودكم بكافة المعدات اللازمة لحفظ سلامتكم بالرحلة (خوذة , بدلة , معطف )
5) التجديف بالنهر يستغرق ما يقارب 6 ساعات مع قراصنتنا المحترفين
6) لن تنسى ارتفاع الادرينالين في 6 منحدرات نمر عليها بالقارب
7) سوف تمر تحت الشلال و تشرب ماء طبيعي نقي مباشرة من الينابيع
8) تستمتع بتذوق الشواء اللذيذ في ملتقى نهر راكيتنتسا مع نهر نيريتفا اسفل المنحدر
9) القفز من الصخور في الماء العميق و السباحة و الاسترخاء
10) تسلق صخور منحدرات راكينتسا او نيريتفا
11) الرحلة مسلية و امنة لجميع الاعمار
12) رحلة التجديف تنتهي في مدينة كونيتس
13) اقامة مجانية للجميع

تستطيع احضار نظارتك الشمسية , الكاميرا , ملابس سباحة , بيكيني , شورت , صندل
اذا كنتم مجموعة من 5 اشخاص او اكثر يمكننا ان نقلكم من سراييفو او موستار للتجديف و ارجاعكم مع تكلفة اضافية
السعر للشخص الواحد 35 يورو
السعر يشمل الافطار , مغامرة التجديف , الغداء و الإقامة
مع امكانية عمل رحلات خاصىة

موبايل : 38761529212+

أهلا و سهلا

Canyon Rakitnica

Kanyon Rakitnica

Canyon Rakitnica is one of the deepest canyons in Europe, Rakitnica River, one of the largest tributaries of the deep Neretva River, has carved a largely inaccessible, 26-kilometer-long and incredibly beautiful canyon between Bjelašnica and Visočica!  The entrance to the canyon is located at 1150 meters above sea level and its flow of 21.5 km from the entrance, flows into the river Neretva at 300 m altitude incising a canyon of a phenomenal morph metric scale and morphologic variety and biodiversity. It's unique beauty and difficult accessibility, rivers Rakitnica represents a real challenge for mountain climbers, apliniste, anglers, but also lovers of untouched and wild nature. Bears, wolves, wild boars, foxes and wild goats found their shelter in the inaccessible canyon of rare beauty.

Rijeka Rakitnica je jedna od najvećih pritoka Neretve. Rakitnica je stvorila 26 km dug, neravan, prekrasan kanjon, koji razdvaja Bjelasnicu i Visočicu, pruzajući se do jugoistoka. Kanjon rijeke Rakitnice je jedan od najdubljih klanaca Evrope, Cijelokupna dužina kanjona Rakitnice je stanište endemskih vrsta flora i faune. Početak kanjona Rakitnice se nalazi na nadmorskoj visini od 1120 metara, a njeno ušće u Neretvu je na nadmorskoj visini od 320 metara. Zahvaljujući svojoj jedinstvenoj ljepoti i teškoj pristupačnosti, rijeka Rakitnica predstavlja pravi izazov za planinare, apliniste, ribolovce, ali i zaljubljenike u netaknutu i divlju prirodu. Medvjedi, vukovi, divlji veprovi, lisice i divlje koze nalaze svoje sklonište u ovom teško pristupačnom kanjonu nesvakidašnje ljepote.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Rafting on Neretva

Rafting on Neretva
We have the rafting center in the canyon of the Neretva. Rafting on the Neretva, 22 km long. In addition to rafting, we also offer accommodation. We have a private parking, a summer garden of up to 120 places located right next to the Neretva, so it creates a fresh and cozy feeling during your stay in our rafting center. The rafting boat can accommodate up to 10 people. We have complete Neoprene equipment for up to 120 people. We as a team offer top rafting with maximum safety for all ages. We are located in the Neretva canyon 4 km from the city.
Rafting trip:
Breakfast in the restaurant at 10 or 11am and clothing on
Rafting trips can start at  11-12am, it is your choice
We transport you across Boracko lake, to the start point
We have Neopren equipment: suits, helmets, shoes & life jackets
Rafting takes about 5 hours,with an experienced skipper
> You’ll feel unforgettable adrenaline on 10 rapids
> You'll pass under a waterfall, drink water from the spring
> We can organise a delicious barbecue-grill in the canyon
> Jump from cliffs to deep water, swim in rapids and relax
> Hiking in Canyon Neretva or Rakytnica, if you wish
> The trip is fun and safe for all ages
> Rafting trip ends in Konjic town
> At the end, back to the Restaurant for lunch
  • Rafting price is: 35 Euro per person!
  • Breakfast, equipment, transport to the start, rafting, lunch!
  • Overnight-bed 10 Euro per person!
> viber, wtsApp +387 61 52 92 12
> mob: 061 52 92 12
> raftneretva@gmail.com


Mini Rafting on Neretva river relax tour

Rafting boats can accommodate 8 to 10 people at a time so keep that in mind when planning your tour. The whole Neretva rafting adventure is organized by professional licensed rafting guides, known as skippers. All skippers have a IRF http://www.internationalrafting.com/ rafting licence and certificates that guarantee your security. Our skippers have years of experience with over 50 trips a season, no one knows the Neretva River than our skippers. Every person on the rafting has insurance!

Rafting mini trip:
 1) Breakfast in the Restaurant and preparing-clothing! 
 2) Rafting trips can start at either 10,11 or 12 o-clock, it's your choice!
 3) We transport you to the point where your mini rafting starts!
 4) We provided you with the appropriate equipment: suits,helmets,waterproof jackets!
 5) Rafting down the Neretva river takes about 2 hours,with an experienced skipper!
 6) You’ll feel unforgettable adrenaline on rapids!
 7) Jump from cliffs to deep water, swim in rapids and relaxing!
 8) The rafting trip is fun and safe for all ages!
 9) Rafting trip ends in Konjic town!

You can take camera,sunglasses,swimming costume,bikini,shorts,sandals!

If you are a group of 5 or more we can transport you from Sarajevo or Mostar to rafting and back!
  • Rafting price is 20 Euro per person!
  • The price includes Breakfast and Rafting!
Tel: +38761529212
Gsm BiH 061 52 92 12

Monday, July 3, 2017

Let's raft down on the Neretva river

Let's raft down on the Neretva river

A day full of fun and adrenaline with rafting, fly fishing or camping in the canyon Neretva at the most beautiful sections of the Neretva river is a memory and experience you will wish to repeat. You are in for the most attractive location for outdoor adventures in Bosnia, we are located in the heart of Bosnia. Only 1 hour drive from Sarajevo and 1 hour from Mostar. Rafting on the Neretva river is the best choice for an exciting adventure with friends, work colleagues or a family with an adventurous spirit. Every person on the rafting  has insurance!

Rafting trip:
> Breakfast in the Restaurant at 9 or 10 am. and preparing clothing! 
> Rafting trips can start at either 10, 11, or 12 o-clock, it is your choice!
> We transport you across Boracko lake,to the point where your rafting trip starts!
> We provided you with the appropriate equipment:suits,helmets,life jackets,shoes!
> Rafting down the Neretva river takes about 6 hours,with an experienced skipper!
> You’ll feel unforgettable adrenaline on 6 rapids!
> You'll pass under a waterfall and drink water directly from a natural spring!
> We can organise a delicious barbecue-grill in the canyon!
> Jump from cliffs to deep water, swim in rapids and relaxing!
> Hiking in Canyon Neretva or Rakytnica!
> The trip is fun and safe for all ages!
> Rafting trip ends in Konjic town!
> Coming back to the Restaurant for the lunch!

You can take camera,sunglasses,swimming costume,bikini,shorts,sandals!

<> Rafting price is 35 Euro per person!
<> The price includes Breakfast,Transport,Rafting, Lunch!

tel,viber,wtsApp  +38761529212
local network  061 52 92 12

Welcome to Neretva river!

A complete package of adventure and fun

A complete package of adventure and fun
We as a team offer good rafting on the Neretva river with maximum security for all ages. We as a team are interested in meeting you and socializing during the rafting! We have the appropriate equipment and professional skippers (instructor-drivers). The skipper-instructor  is certified  with International Rafting Federation (IRF) http://www.internationalrafting.com/ licence for the Neretva river - Every person on the rafting has insurance. We promise the rafting is the full of entertainment!
Konjic town is located between Sarajevo and Mostar, 1 hour away by bus or car!
 Rafting trip:
 1) Breakfast at 9 or 10 am. and preparing clothing! 
 2) Rafting trips can start at either 10, 11, or 12 o-clock, it is your choice!
 3) We transport you across Boracko lake, to the point where your rafting trip starts!
 4) We provided you with the appropriate equipment: suits,helmets,waterproof jackets!
 5) Rafting down the Neretva river takes about 6 hours,with an experienced skipper!
 6) You’ll feel unforgettable adrenaline on 6 rapids!
 7) You'll pass under a waterfall and drink water directly from a natural spring!
 8) Enjoy a delicious barbecue-grill at the confluence of the Rakytnica and Neretva canyons!
 9) Jump from cliffs to deep water, swim in rapids and relaxing!
10) Hiking in Canyon Neretva or Rakytnica!
11) The trip is fun and safe for all ages!
12) Rafting trip ends in Konjic town!
13) Free (free of charge) hostel for our guests!
You can take camera,sunglasses,swimming costume,bikini,shorts,sandals!

If you are a group of 5 or more we can transport you from Sarajevo or Mostar to rafting and back!
  • Rafting price is 35 Euro per person! 
  • The price includes Breakfast,Rafting,Lunch and Hoste!
Tel, Viber, WhatsApp +38761529212
Local provider 061 52 92 12


Rafting on the Neretva River in Bosnia

Rafting on the Neretva River in Bosnia
We as a team offer good rafting on the Neretva river with maximum security for all ages. We have the appropriate equipment and professional skippers (instructor-drivers). The skipper-instructor  is certified  with International Rafting Federation (IRF) http://www.internationalrafting.com/ licence for the Neretva river - Every person on the rafting has insurance. We promise the rafting is the full of entertainment!
Konjic town is located between Sarajevo and Mostar, 1 hour away by bus or car!

Rafting trip:
> Breakfast in the Restaurant at 9 or 10 am. and preparing clothing! 
Rafting trips can start at either 10, 11, or 12 o-clock, it is your choice!
> We transport you across Boracko lake, to the point where your rafting trip starts!
> We provided you with the appropriate equipment: suits,helmets,waterproof jackets!
> Rafting down the Neretva river takes about 6 hours,with an experienced skipper!
> You’ll feel unforgettable adrenaline on 6 rapids!
> You'll pass under a waterfall and drink water directly from a natural spring!
> We can organise a delicious barbecue-grill in the canyon!
> Jump from cliffs to deep water, swim in rapids and relaxing!
> Hiking in Canyon Neretva or Rakytnica!
> The trip is fun and safe for all ages!
> Rafting trip ends in Konjic town!
> Coming back to the Restaurant for the lunch!

You can take camera,sunglasses,swimming costume,bikini,shorts,sandals!

If you are a group of 7 or more we can transport you from Sarajevo or Mostar to rafting and back! At an addition fee.
  • Rafting price is 35 Euro per person!
  • The price includes Breakfast,Rafting, Lunch and accommodation!
tel,viber,wtsApp +38761529212
local network 061 52 92 12